Enneagram Type 9

Enneagram type 9 are different varieties of people and are peacemakers. Furthermore, they're caring, down-to-earth, spiritual, and quite peaceful. However, type 9 possibly tries to keep from negative emotions, disputes, and conflicts. They want peace everywhere. Their inner peace disrupts badly when they encounter any negativity.

Personality traits

Type 9 are wonderful individuals with certain personality traits which make them different from other enneagram types. Following are some of their personality traits:

Basic fear

They have a concern with losing people whom they take care of and adore. Moreover, they tend to complete every possible action to keep the folks they admire close to them. This implies they cannot tolerate having any conflicts with such people. Even if the circumstances are not good, they tend to remain peaceful.

Basic desire

Enneagram type 9 always wants to be a peacemaker and remains at peace. They not only admire their inner peace but also love peace everywhere else around the globe.


Enneagram type 9 are peacemakers. They love peace everywhere. However, disputes, conflicts, and negativity isn't their thing. Furthermore, they don't want to reduce people they love over disputes and conflicts. They fight to complete every possible action to keep their family members near them Read Full Article Here.
